5 Tips To Effectively Work From Home

5 Tips To Effectively Work From Home

By Megan C. Goodall March 23, 2020 Posted in Business Litigation

The flexibility of working from home may sound like the dream scenario for most American workers. However, it’s important to understand that while working from home comes with its share of benefits, it also requires a great deal of self-discipline. If you are new to working from home, these 5 tips can help you stay productive while maintaining that ever important work – life balance.

  1. Test your IT systems in advance

Before you start your transition to working from home, you need to have all technical issues ironed out in advance. Work with your IT provider to make sure all applications are installed, configured, and up to date. Testing these IT systems in advance and making sure your home office has a reliable internet connection is crucial and will help you avoid unnecessary work disruptions.

  1. Create a designated workspace and set boundaries

If at all possible, have a room specifically dedicated to working. Setting up a workspace free of clutter and distractions will allow you to maximize your productivity, while helping you get into the right frame of mind. Setting boundaries with family members is also important. Just because you are working from home, doesn’t mean you are “home.” If you have kids or a spouse at home, you should make it clear that you are unavailable to chat, play or do chores during your designated work hours. You may quickly find this to be your most difficult hurdle in working from your home office.

  1. Maintain a regular schedule

One added perk of working from home is it eliminates your commute time. Instead of sitting in traffic, you can get a jump start on your work tasks or can utilize that newly found time for personal health and wellness. Either option is a win-win. My advice is to start each day by getting dressed and act as if you are going into the office. If you are usually in the office by 8:30am, you should continue that same routine. I also recommend preparing a daily task list first thing in the morning or even the night before which will allow you to plan your day and set priorities.

  1. Store your files on the Cloud

Cloud computing is the foundation for mobilizing your workforce. The Cloud holds your files in a central location and gives you the ability to access them from anywhere. Eliminating your dependence on paper files can help you to easily transition your workspace from your primary office to a home office at a moment’s notice. My advice – follow the current tech trends and utilize the Cloud.

  1. Make yourself available and communicate often

Communication is the key to any successful business. Checking in frequently builds rapport with your employer and helps maintain trust, while working independently. I recommend collaboration tools such as GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, and a shared conference line, to keep everyone in regular communication and eliminate geographical barriers. Schedule regular meetings with colleagues and support staff to set priorities and discuss any new business developments.

My last piece of advice is to figure out what works best for you and run with it. With the proper planning and discipline, you may find that the days you work from home have the potential to be your most productive and successful. See more of our content on our LinkedIn page! See our full blog page here.

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